Bhavani Padmanabhan External Member Profile - eLearnPOSH

Bhavani Padmanabhan

Bangalore, Karnataka

31 years of PQE including 28+ years in various corporates ranging from manufacturing segment to logistics to IT Hardware and software to renewable energy


Organization:   Self
Languages Known:   English, Hindi, Kannada, Tamil, Telugu
Additional Details :

Independent Consultant providing expert services - external committee member in Prevention of Sexual Harrassment Committees, Statutory and Ethical Compliance legal framework, Ombuds Investigation, mentoring

Qualification: Masters degree in Law
Experience:  6+ Years
Names of the organizations :
Current serving as EM
No. of Organizations as EM : 

Annual Fee : ₹ 200000
Service Description :

1. 2 awareness sessions in a year for all employees virtual basis the chairperson of the IC calendarising the event as per a convenient time slot of one hour 2. Attending a maximum of 4 meetings of one hour in a month to address clarifications/ queries. The meetings to be organised by the Chairperson of the IC as per mutually convenient slots 3. Attendiing any adhoc calls/ queries from Chairperson on need basis 4. Review of the annual returns. Contents to be prepared by you as Chairperson and filing to be handled by your organisation sicne it is a local filing. I can guide on the procedure The Chairperson / designated person within the IC should maintain the minutes of the meetings and other records including the training records For the above scope my charges would be 15,000/- per month. If I am required to travel to the location travel (air) and accomodation to be orgnaised by the organisation. Any other support including any participation in a complaint enquiry, review of policies etc will be chargeable on a case to case basis at an hourly rate of Rs.4000 to 6000 dependign on the nature of the support and can be discussed as and when required.

Inquiry Fee : ₹ 4000 Per Hour
Inquiry Service details or comments :

Fee for participation and advise. Travel and accomodation at actuals

  1.   Policy Drafting Support
  1.   IC Workshop
  1.   Employee Training
  1.   Annual Report Filing Support
  1.   Legal Support [ Q&A ]
  1.   Inquiry Report Drafting Support


eLearn POSH External Member Directory is a one-of-a-kind service that caters to organizations’ POSH External Member requirements for their POSH Internal Committee (IC). External Member Directory provides organizations a list of External Members to choose from. To avoid any conflicts of interest and maintain neutrality, eLearnPOSH does not act as an intermediary between organizations and External Member. Organizations are expected to perform their own due diligence before signing up for the service with any member listed on the portal. Some of the listed members may be legal professionals. Listing on this directory should in not be considered as advertisement or solicitation by the members.

For more details, refer to our “Terms of Service”.