Mahesh Anil Biradar External Member Profile - eLearnPOSH

Mahesh Anil Biradar

Pune, Maharashtra

As a member of a sexual harassment committee, it is important to have a strong commitment to creating a safe and respectful workplace for all employees. Some key qualities that may be important for a committee member include: Understanding of the issue: A member of the committee should have a clear


Organization:   Narayana Bahuuddeshiya Sanstha
Languages Known:   English, Hindi, Marathi
Additional Details :

As a member of a sexual harassment committee, it is important to have a strong commitment to creating a safe and respectful workplace for all employees. Some key qualities that may be important for a committee member include: Understanding of the issue: A member of the committee should have a clear understanding of what constitutes sexual harassment, including the legal definition, and how it can affect individuals and organizations. Empathy and sensitivity: A committee member should be able to listen to complainants with compassion and empathy, and be able to communicate effectively with them throughout the process. Objectivity and impartiality: A committee member must be able to approach each case objectively, without bias or preconceived notions, and be able to make impartial decisions based on the evidence presented. Communication and diplomacy: A committee member should be able to communicate clearly and effectively with both the complainant and the accused, while maintaining confidentiality and professionalism throughout the process. Knowledge of company policies and procedures: A committee member should be well-versed in the company's sexual harassment policies and procedures, and be able to guide complainants through the process of filing a complaint. Attention to detail: A committee member should have a meticulous attention to detail, ensuring that all relevant information is gathered and that all parties are treated fairly. Confidentiality: A committee member must be able to maintain strict confidentiality throughout the process, protecting the privacy of all parties involved. Commitment: A committee member should be committed to the work of the committee and to creating a safe and respectful workplace for all employees. Overall, a committee member should be a compassionate, professional, and objective individual who is committed to creating a positive work environment free from sexual harassment. MAHESH BIRADAR additional details for sexual harassments Certainly, here are some additional details to consider when dealing with sexual harassment: Definition of Sexual Harassment: It is important to understand what constitutes sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is unwelcome behavior of a sexual nature that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment or interferes with an individual's work performance. This can include unwanted physical contact, sexual advances, comments, or gestures, or any other behavior that is of a sexual nature and is unwanted by the recipient. Reporting and Investigation: Employers should have clear policies and procedures in place for reporting and investigating sexual harassment. These policies should outline the steps that an employee can take if they experience or witness sexual harassment, including reporting the behavior to their supervisor or human resources department. Confidentiality: All parties involved in a sexual harassment complaint have a right to confidentiality. This means that the details of the complaint should only be shared with those who need to know, such as the members of the investigation team. Retaliation: It is illegal for an employer to retaliate against an employee who reports sexual harassment or participates in an investigation. Employers should have clear policies in place that prohibit retaliation and ensure that employees who report sexual harassment are protected. Training: Employers should provide regular training to all employees on what constitutes sexual harassment, how to prevent it, and what to do if they experience or witness it. Training should also be provided to members of the sexual harassment committee to ensure that they have the skills and knowledge necessary to handle complaints in a fair and impartial manner. Prevention: Employers should take steps to prevent sexual harassment from occurring in the workplace. This can include creating a culture of respect and inclusivity, promoting gender equality, and providing regular training to all employees on how to prevent sexual harassment. Employers should also have clear policies in place that prohibit sexual harassment and ensure that employees who engage in such behavior are held accountable.

Qualification: MBA Finance
Experience:  Less than 1 Year
Names of the organizations :
Current serving as EM
No. of Organizations as EM : 

Annual Fee : ₹ 25000
Service Description :

External Member Services for sexual harassment refer to third-party services that an organization may engage to provide support and assistance in addressing and preventing sexual harassment in the workplace. A standard list of External Member Services for sexual harassment may include: Sexual Harassment Training: An organization may engage a third-party vendor to provide sexual harassment training to employees at all levels of the organization. This training may include information on what constitutes sexual harassment, how to prevent it, how to report it, and how to respond to it. Hotline Services: An organization may engage a third-party vendor to provide a hotline or other confidential reporting mechanism for employees to report instances of sexual harassment. This service can be available 24/7 and can help employees feel more comfortable reporting incidents of sexual harassment. Investigative Services: An organization may engage a third-party vendor to conduct independent investigations of allegations of sexual harassment in the workplace. This can help ensure that investigations are conducted impartially and professionally. Mediation Services: An organization may engage a third-party vendor to provide mediation services for employees involved in sexual harassment complaints. Mediation can help resolve disputes without the need for formal legal action. Legal Services: An organization may engage a third-party vendor to provide legal services related to sexual harassment, including reviewing policies and procedures, conducting training, and providing legal advice. Counseling Services: An organization may engage a third-party vendor to provide counseling services to employees who have experienced sexual harassment. This can help employees cope with the emotional and psychological effects of sexual harassment. Policy Development Services: An organization may engage a third-party vendor to assist in the development of sexual harassment policies and procedures. This can help ensure that policies are comprehensive, up-to-date, and legally compliant. Overall, engaging external member services for sexual harassment can provide an organization with additional expertise and resources to address and prevent sexual harassment in the workplace.

Inquiry Fee : ₹ 1 Per Complaint
Inquiry Service details or comments :

Inquiry services for sexual harassment refer to the process of receiving and addressing inquiries related to sexual harassment in the workplace. Here are some details on inquiry services for sexual harassment: What is an Inquiry Service for Sexual Harassment? An inquiry service for sexual harassment is a confidential and impartial process for employees to ask questions and receive guidance related to sexual harassment. This can include questions about what constitutes sexual harassment, how to report it, and what resources are available to employees who have experienced sexual harassment. Who Provides Inquiry Services for Sexual Harassment? Inquiry services for sexual harassment may be provided by the employer's human resources department or an external member service provider. The service should be staffed by trained professionals who can answer questions and provide guidance to employees in a sensitive and confidential manner. How to Access Inquiry Services for Sexual Harassment? Employees can access inquiry services for sexual harassment through various means, such as a dedicated phone line, email, or web-based reporting system. The process for accessing inquiry services should be clearly communicated to all employees and should be easy to use. What Questions can be Addressed by Inquiry Services for Sexual Harassment? Inquiry services for sexual harassment can address a wide range of questions related to sexual harassment, including what constitutes sexual harassment, how to recognize it, how to report it, and what resources are available to employees who have experienced sexual harassment. The inquiry service should provide clear and accurate information to employees and should direct them to the appropriate resources as needed. Confidentiality of Inquiry Services for Sexual Harassment: Inquiry services for sexual harassment should be confidential and provide anonymity to the employees who use them. Employees should feel comfortable asking questions and seeking guidance without fear of retaliation or reprisal. Overall, inquiry services for sexual harassment are an important resource for employees who have questions or concerns related to sexual harassment in the workplace. By providing accurate and timely information, inquiry services can help prevent sexual harassment and promote a safe and respectful workplace.

  1.   Policy Drafting Support
  1.   IC Workshop
  1.   Employee Training
  1.   Annual Report Filing Support
  1.   Legal Support [ Q&A ]
  1.   Inquiry Report Drafting Support
  1.   POSH Audit


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