Nasreen Rustomfram External Member Profile - eLearnPOSH

Nasreen Rustomfram

Mumbai, Maharashtra

As an academic with 36 years of experience at the University, I have dealt with issues of sexual harassment since 2004. Cases include University Staff, students, corporates and public sector enterprises. I design and deliver sensitisation programs for women leadership, diversity and inclusion.


Organization:   Tata Institute of Social Sciences
Languages Known:   English, Hindi, Marathi, Gujarathi
Additional Details :

Serving at the University has given me an opportunity to work on cases within the University and as an External Member on ICs of public and private enterprises. I have designed and delivered orientation and sensitisation sessions for employees and Internal Committees of universities, and corporates, nation-wide, including the Tata Group of companies, Department of Atomic Energy, and the Indian Institute of Population Studies to name a few. From 2006 to 2010, I served as the Dean, Students Affairs and from 2010 to 2016 as the Chairperson of the IC at TISS. Both positions gave me an opportunity to work on issues of discrimination and harassment with students, academic and administrative staff including gender and LGBTQ groups.

Qualification: PhD in Social Work (TISS)
Experience:  6+ Years
Names of the organizations :
Current serving as EM
No. of Organizations as EM : 8

Annual Fee : ₹ 25000
Service Description :

Attending Enquiries once a month by zoom or skype, Sensitisation of IC members during IC meetings, Counselling complainant or respondent

Inquiry Fee : ₹ 10000 Per Visit
Inquiry Service details or comments :

Any travel (local and outside Mumbai) will be charged as per actuals.

  1.   IC Workshop
  1.   Employee Training


eLearn POSH External Member Directory is a one-of-a-kind service that caters to organizations’ POSH External Member requirements for their POSH Internal Committee (IC). External Member Directory provides organizations a list of External Members to choose from. To avoid any conflicts of interest and maintain neutrality, eLearnPOSH does not act as an intermediary between organizations and External Member. Organizations are expected to perform their own due diligence before signing up for the service with any member listed on the portal. Some of the listed members may be legal professionals. Listing on this directory should in not be considered as advertisement or solicitation by the members.

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