Rajkumar Shriwastav External Member Profile - eLearnPOSH

Rajkumar Shriwastav

Mumbai, Maharashtra

•Rajkumar is a Partner with SK Vestigium LLP and an advisor to the Protiviti Risk Consulting Firm. He is one of the expert speakers and advisors on the subject Prevention of Sexual Harassment (PoSH).


Organization:   SK Vestigium LLP
Languages Known:   English, Hindi, Marathi
Additional Details :

Background •Rajkumar is a Partner with SK Vestigium LLP and an advisor to the Protiviti Risk Consulting Firm •He is considered as one of the expert speaker and advisors on the subject Prevention of Sexual Harassment (PoSH) •He has 31+ years of experience in the field of fraud/crime investigation •He is an external member on the PoSH Internal Committee of Reserve Bank of Information Technology •He was a Director with Fraud Investigation & Dispute Services (FIDS) team of EY India •He is a former law enforcement officer, Certified Fraud Examiner and a Science and Law graduate •He has worked with Maharashtra Police Force over 18 years, the EY FIDS team for 4.5 years, Deloitte Forensics Team for 3.5 years and Citibank N.A. for 1.5 years •Rajkumar was decorated with Director General of Police Insignia for meritorious service •Felicitated at the hands of Director General, Anti-Corruption Bureau for exposing corruption in RTO department •He is the recipient of 140 rewards/commendatory notes and letter of appreciations PoSH Profile •He is instrumental in imparting training on the subject PoSH to hundreds of members of the Internal Committees, Senior Management, HR, Legal and Compliance teams across India, including clients from Fortune500 companies •He has imparted training on this subject to the District Officer appointed Local Committee •He has trained 200 officials of Mumbai Railway Police •Participated as a panel discussion members in the PoSH event organized by EY and Indo American Chamber of Commerce (IACC) •He was one of the panel discussion members in the event organized by the National Human Resource Development Network (NHRDN) •He was invited as one of the key speakers in the event organized by “Money Life Foundation” •He has imparted training to the members in the event organized by the Indo French Chamber of Commerce & Industry (IFCCI) •He was instrumental in organizing multiple Master Classes on PoSH for the industry •During his previous stint, he conducted one of the first PoSH surveys to understand the magnitude of the issue

Qualification: BSc, LLB,CFE
Experience:  6+ Years
Names of the organizations :
Current serving as EM
No. of Organizations as EM : 3

Annual Fee : ₹ 240000
Service Description :

1) Participate as External Member in the PoSH proceedings and assisting in recording the statements, appreciation of evidence, analysis of oral, documenatary and circumstantial evidence and writing the reasoned report. 2) Imparting trainings to the IC 3) Imparting Employee Sensitization trainings 4) PoSH Policy drafting 5) Drafting PoSH Response Plan

Inquiry Fee : ₹ 5000 Per Hour
Inquiry Service details or comments :

Assisting in recording the statements, appreciation of evidence, analysis of oral, documenatary and circumstantial evidence and writing the reasoned report.

  1.   Policy Drafting Support
  1.   IC Workshop
  1.   Employee Training
  1.   Annual Report Filing Support
  1.   Legal Support [ Q&A ]
  1.   Inquiry Report Drafting Support
  1.   POSH Audit


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