jyoti grover External Member Profile - eLearnPOSH

jyoti grover

Ballabhgarh, Haryana

i work across industry and academia on policy , prevention and redressal of sexual harassment and child sexual abuse . have handled multiple cases of conciliation , enquiry and compliance as a member of the Gurugram District Local Committee .


Organization:   TSE foundation
Languages Known:   English, Hindi, Punjabi
Additional Details :

Have been associated with the HRD Network , ILA and WICCI : Haryana Council for prevention of sexual harassment , Education ministry of Haryana , South Delhi and Tripura for dissemination of the law and practice for women and child protection . Have also worked extensively as a counseler tp support women and children and their families in dealing with the aftermath of abuse

Qualification: Garduaate in psychology , Masters in HR , Law
Experience:  6+ Years
Names of the organizations :
Current serving as EM
No. of Organizations as EM : 10

Annual Fee : ₹ 24000
Service Description :

Attendance in meetings @ once a quarter ( virtual medium) +on call advisory on policy /trends /case laws @ 6000 per quarter . Participation in enquiry - first two cases : no charge subsequent cases 20000 per case ( max) Report review : no charge IC Orientation : ( 1 hour ) no charge IC training ( 1.5 days ) : 75000 per session Employee awareness ( 2 to 3 hours per session ) 15000 per session Policy review : 20000 per review POSH audit : 75000

Inquiry Fee : ₹ 19999 Per Complaint
Inquiry Service details or comments :

travel and accommodation is additional on actuals

  1.   Policy Drafting Support
  1.   IC Workshop
  1.   Employee Training
  1.   Legal Support [ Q&A ]
  1.   Inquiry Report Drafting Support
  1.   POSH Audit


eLearn POSH External Member Directory is a one-of-a-kind service that caters to organizations’ POSH External Member requirements for their POSH Internal Committee (IC). External Member Directory provides organizations a list of External Members to choose from. To avoid any conflicts of interest and maintain neutrality, eLearnPOSH does not act as an intermediary between organizations and External Member. Organizations are expected to perform their own due diligence before signing up for the service with any member listed on the portal. Some of the listed members may be legal professionals. Listing on this directory should in not be considered as advertisement or solicitation by the members.

For more details, refer to our “Terms of Service”.