i work across industry and academia on policy , prevention and redressal of sexual harassment and child sexual abuse . have handled multiple cases of conciliation , enquiry and compliance as a member of the Gurugram District Local Committee .
Have been associated with the HRD Network , ILA and WICCI : Haryana Council for prevention of sexual harassment , Education ministry of Haryana , South Delhi and Tripura for dissemination of the law and practice for women and child protection . Have also worked extensively as a counseler tp support women and children and their families in dealing with the aftermath of abuse
Attendance in meetings @ once a quarter ( virtual medium) +on call advisory on policy /trends /case laws @ 6000 per quarter . Participation in enquiry - first two cases : no charge subsequent cases 20000 per case ( max) Report review : no charge IC Orientation : ( 1 hour ) no charge IC training ( 1.5 days ) : 75000 per session Employee awareness ( 2 to 3 hours per session ) 15000 per session Policy review : 20000 per review POSH audit : 75000
travel and accommodation is additional on actuals
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