GARV MALHOTRA is a practicing advocate and litigator, with practice ranging in Delhi-NCR. HIS MOTTO IS MAKE CRIME PAY AND HE WORKS ON THE PRINCIPLE OF PROVIDING LEGAL JUSTICE TO ALL.
Speciating in Matrimonial Law and Women rights. I have detailed experience and expertise in this field and am also a member of Internal Complaints Committee for various Corporates as an independent and Impartial Judicial Member.
Provide hand holding support in the functioning of the IC Assist the IC in conducting the Inquiry if/when there is a complaint. Record the minutes of the regular meetings. Prepare the content on the functioning of the IC in the Annual Report of the organisation. Assist the Employer in conducting awareness training for all the employees. Conduct Orientation programme for the members of the IC. Give appropriate advice as and when called for to the members of the IC and to any employee who has approached. Ensure total compliance with the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013.
Be totally involved with all the IC proceedings Making sure that the proceedings are happening according to the principles of natural justice. Make efforts to co-ordinate the functioning of other IC members. Ensure the implementation of law as per the procedures established. Ensure healthy and comfortable workplace and ensure that workplace harmony is restored in case of sexual harassment incidents.
For more details, refer to our “Terms of Service”.