Madhumitha Srinivasan External Member Profile - eLearnPOSH

Madhumitha Srinivasan

Mumbai, Maharashtra

Lawyer with 9 years experience. Specialise in dispute resolution, contract drafting & advisory. Assist entities in drafting and review of Sexual Harassment Policy and handling of complaints. Have undergone training in mediation and conflict resolution.


Languages Known:   English, Tamil
Additional Details :

As a trained mediator, my strength lies in my ability to remain impartial, connect with people and be comfortable in the presence of emotions. As a dispute resolution lawyer, who has worked on mandates across sectors, dealing with people and resolving conflicts is part of my job. PoSH program: Participated in the Internal Committee (IC) capacity building program on the law against Sexual Harassment at Workplace conducted by POSH At Work in December 2022.

Qualification: B.A., B.L (Hons.)
Experience:  6+ Years
Names of the organizations :
Current serving as EM
No. of Organizations as EM : 

Annual Fee : ₹ 36000
Service Description :

Attending quartely IC meetings - 4 meetings per year. Assist in: - preparation of Minutes of Meetings of IC. - review of Inquiry Report and Findings. General legal advise to IC Members and employees on queries relating to harassment / sexual harassment at workplace.

Inquiry Fee : ₹ 2500 Per Hour
Inquiry Service details or comments :

Drafting of Inquiry Report and Findings shall be charged separately, fee estimated on a case to case basis. Travel, accommodation and other out of pocket expenses shall be charged at actuals. Available for attending meetings / inquiry proceedings in person / virtually.

  1.   Policy Drafting Support
  1.   Annual Report Filing Support
  1.   Legal Support [ Q&A ]
  1.   Inquiry Report Drafting Support


eLearn POSH External Member Directory is a one-of-a-kind service that caters to organizations’ POSH External Member requirements for their POSH Internal Committee (IC). External Member Directory provides organizations a list of External Members to choose from. To avoid any conflicts of interest and maintain neutrality, eLearnPOSH does not act as an intermediary between organizations and External Member. Organizations are expected to perform their own due diligence before signing up for the service with any member listed on the portal. Some of the listed members may be legal professionals. Listing on this directory should in not be considered as advertisement or solicitation by the members.

For more details, refer to our “Terms of Service”.