
The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act, 2013 commonly called as the POSH Law recommends that Employers sensitize their employees each year through trainings and posters about the Sexual Harassment policy and procedures to address concerns.Create POSH awareness through our interactive, engaging and real-life scenario-based eLearning.

POSH Foundation​ Module

The foundation course for the individual contributors speaks about the rights and responsibilities of every employee in the organization and gives information on how and where to report incidents. This CBT is highly interactive and animated to keep the audience engaged.

POSH for Managers​

The eLearning for managers covers the essentials that a manager needs to know and do to prevent Sexual Harassment in the organization. As the first line of support for the team member, their role is critical in ensuring concerns are address early and proactive measures are taken to address Sexual Harassment at Workplace.​

POSH for IC Members​

This eLearning / e-module is suitable for IC Members as an introduction to the roles and responsibilities. The course for Internal Committee Members covers the procedures involved in addressing the complaints in accordance with the law. It can act as a quick reference to the IC Members through the year of subscription.


Why eLearnPOSH?

Cost-Effective - Invest once and take the courses unlimited times
POSH eLearning courses are available in regional languages like Hindi, Marathi, Kannada, Telugu, Malayalam, Tamil, Bengali etc.
Learning Portal branded to your organization
Seamless Integration with Enterprise Systems using REST API
Single Sign-on options using SAML2, Google & OAuth, LDAP, Token Auth etc.
Simpler Tracking and Reporting for POSH Compliance
Best-in-class Support

What’s unique about our courses? provides best-in-class e-modules on POSH (Prevention of Sexual Harassment).
Unlimited Customization
Our eLearning courses can be fully customized to meet the content and brand requirements of your organization, with our in-house content development team.
Available in Regional Languages
Our eLearning courses are available in many Indian languages like: Hindi, Marathi, Kannada, Telugu, Malayalam, Tamil, Bengali etc. making it suitable for all employees.
Highly engaging and interactive
Our courses provide great learning experience with rich use of animations, use of real-life scenarios and interactivities to keep the audience engaged.
Role-based courses
There are three different POSH CBTs based on the role of the learner, namely: Individual Contributors, Managers and Internal Committee members.
Webinars by POSH Experts for IC Members & Managers
While eLearning can be a good source of information, interaction with the experts would help the IC members and Managers learn from their experience. Here are the features of the Webinars delivered as a part of the program:
=> 90 mins open session for subscribers
=> Webinar Recording for those who miss the live session
=> Focused topics with in-depth analysis and Q&A