Guide to POSH Compliance

Enough said about the effect of the pandemic in our workplaces. Workplace now has a new definition. With this fundamental change in the definition and the added complexities, this Guide to POSH Compliance, intends to cover the actions an employer must take to ensure continued compliance to Sexual Harassment (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act of 2013.

Chapter VI, Section 19 of the POSH Act clearly lists the duties of the employer. Failure to comply would warrant a penalty of INR 50000. While the amount is not exorbitant, the point that follows packs a punch. The employer may lose his/her Business License for repeated non-compliance.

So, there SHALL be no option for the employer, but to comply. The word “SHALL” has a strong meaning in the legal world, and we can cite several judgments from the past to support this view. You SHALL know why as you read along. We have provided step-by-step instructions to ensure compliance. Review each step and implement changes(as applicable) in your policies and procedures to provide a compliant and great place to work, for your employees.

Here are our recommendations to stay compliant to the PoSH Act in the New Normal:

Step 1: Update the Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy – for the New Normal

Step 2: Build PoSH Awareness  – in the New Normal

Step 3: Inquiry Procedures – for the New Normal

Step 4: Evidences and the Reports – in the New Normal


A Blog and a Webinar are not enough to eliminate the menace of Sexual Harassment during the Pandemic. We will do more. We also shared a free μLearning (MicroLearning) Module (5-7 min) free for all users. This provides basic staff awareness about how they can avoid Sexual Harassment or even the perception of it, by being sensitive to the changes in Workplace Dynamics due to the pandemic.

If you need more information or if you wish to reach out to us regarding our eLearning Courses or related services, write to