Enterprise Features

With eLearnPOSH,
get much more than POSH compliance courses!
Get the complete experience you deserve through our Enterprise-class platform and our seamless processes. All our POSH eLearning courses, POSH Knowledge base, POSH Webinar Recordings, Certificates and Reports are delivered on a fully branded state of the art enterprise-class Learning Management Portal.

Branded & Customized for You
Your employees will take the courses on a portal that is completely branded as your own - the logo, colours, look and feel. The interface will also be customized based on the courses you subscribe. The Learner Dashboard will have the list of your organization’s Internal Committee members and also an option to download your organization’s Sexual Harassment policy.
Quick Onboarding
From the time we receive the details of Learners, IC Members and Policy, we can go live in just 24 hours. You also have a host of flexible activation options like triggered emails, pre-set password, user-set password and 2FA to choose from.

Flexible Authentication
We can integrate with your organization’s authentication method like SAML2 Single Sign-on, Google OAuth, Azure My Apps, LDAP, Token Auth and more. These will allow your users to securely login with their existing accounts.
Automated Seamless Integration
Reduce manual touch points with seamless integration of our LMS with your HR Systems and Reporting Systems using REST API which allows hassle-free data flow and automation.

Self-service Reporting
Designated users in your organization will be provided with reporting access to generate the Training Completion Reports. The reports include Course completion status by Manager, By Department and Recent Completions. These reports are downloadable in Excel and PDF file formats. Admins can trigger automated reminder emails to Employees and Managers to drive completion. Managers can generate their team’s reports any time from the system.
Security & Privacy
Your data is in safe hands! We are an ISO 27001 Certified organization with experience in running Secured Learning Management Portals for global clients. The technical and organizational measures are in line with the GDPR Standards for Security and Privacy. These measures including encryption standards, hosting, data backup & recovery are in line with Enterprise-class SaaS standards.

Best-in-class Support
We take pride in being a responsive and customer-focussed organization. Our customers like our courses and love our Customer Support. We provide both phone and email-based support to the Learners and Admins to eliminate technology or process issues hindering compliance.